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Irish nationalisms invention of a so-called 'Protestant ascendency' is one of the many illusions created by post-modern Marxist ideology that has now been accepted as fact. The inter-sectionalism approach used puts a group, in this case Protestants, into an imaginary realm of privilege, once doing this, the construction of victimhood has be achieved even when no such privilege exists. Protestantism by its very nature exposes this as false by the various divisions and the continuing schisms within the said group and debunks the idea that all labelled in such a way had or had a life of privilege. To suggest such is absolute nonsense and has or had no bearing in either fact or reality. Most people within this denomination interpreted their environment differently from each other, they were and are highly individualistic, they come from a variety of social classes and now even differing races. Irish nationalism has been able to convince the opposite laced with Marxist dogma and supported by Roman Catholicism they have invented a completely false narrative to support the illegitimate claim of nationhood. What is surprising though, is the fact that many Protestants & unionists believe it

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How could any rational person follow, forget and even forgive an institution such as the Roman Catholic Church, that physically & sexually abused children, that imprisoned young pregnant women and who removed their children and sold them off for profit? How could they overlook how this organisation failed to report numerous crimes to the authorities, did not respond to complaints, and moved away offenders where they were able to re-offend again and again - and how could anyone turn a blind eye to the fact that the Roman Catholic Church preached political & cultural hatred while they colluded with Irish terrorists as they murdered their fellow citizens and then give them 'forgiveness'?

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Political Irish Nonsense

For years now people have been bombarded with the nonsense of not upsetting the Irish. This has materialised in the renaming of anything that may offend them or cause them concern - for example, the once British Lions is now the British & IRISH Lions, the British Council of Churches is now the British & IRISH Council of Churches, one drinks manufacturers now says that their product is made with British & IRISH blackberries, while certain food outlets state that their products contain British & IRISH beef and chicken from British & IRISH farms. The latest campaign is to removed the title of the British Isles and replace it with the British & IRISH Isles. THIS NONSENSE NEEDS TO STOP!

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Irish nationalism and their supporters have a very poor understanding of democracy in that they fail to recognise that the referendum on the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union was an UK wide referendum - it did not ask specifically if any region wanted to remain or leave, it asked the entire United Kingdom. In fact if you were to follow their train of thought, then there would be immense regions of the UK who would be remaining or leaving as by constituency the result was extremely contrast and divided. What actually really bothers them  though apart from the issue that they are not getting their own way, is the fact that Ulster with the rest of the UK is leaving the EU - and that will put the breaks on any of their attempts to try and establish the farce of a so-called 'united' island of Ireland. Furthermore, their petty attempts of scaremongering is failing by suggesting that Ulster could remain while the rest of UK leaves - do they not understand sovereign integrity? 

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