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Mission Statement

The purpose of this website is to examine, without prejudice or intolerance, the archeological, cultural, historical and evidentual material of the geographical and the ancient political construction of the entity known as Ulster.  The base argument is that on this planet we cannot, in any place, in any era, be absolutely accurate of the origins, descent or histories of any people.  However, with the rise of of constructed nationalisms, as well as sectarian and racial descriptions, which often have become populist and led to majoritarian tyranny which has created exclusion by way of violence, it is absolutely necessary to challenge accepted narritives that are incomplete, or entirely and blatantly incorrect by way of examining the evidence.  


The intention is not to offend, create division, instigate fear and hatred, or to justify unwarranted violence.   Its main objective is to display the rarely examined history, culture and tradition of a people who have been, and presently are, continually ignored, dismissed and denied a connection with their distinct identity within the global historical narritive.  It suggests for reasons of power relations, imperial expansion, belief systems and/or political expediency, the Ulster people, who's global impact has vastly influenced the world, have been subject to, and led to believe, that simply they are a non-entity, part of the something else and incapable of self- determination and self-governance.


The site respects and recognises the varying and differing cultures within the British Isles, however, it recognies that some of these cultures have expansionists ideals and that this expansionism is detrimental to human social expression.  In particular, it draws attention to the falsity that the 'Gaelic culture' regularily promoted from the Republic of Ireland to the world as the idigenous and exclusive culture of 'Irishness' is incorrect. Furthermore, it will expose by social examination, historical investigation and archeological evidence that any such suggestions have their origins in an evolution of assorted tribal racism, blatent sectarianism and aggressive nationalism.            


To do this, the main design is to challenge the religious dogma, political ideology and propaganda which has left the Ulster people, and maintains the Ulster people, at war with themselves.  Using archeology, anthropology, cultural examination, historical revision and social reasoning, the United Ulsterman site hopes to explore and suggest, that the Ulster people, regardless of creed, gender, ethnicity, or any other individualisms, are a distinct people with their own ideas, aspirations, traditions and history, and that we have a right to be seen this way among the nations of the world.     

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