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The Aston Martin Ulster was a racing car built in 1934 and would have cost a mere £750, one was sold recently at auction and went for £1,300,700 such is the demand.

The Ulster Coat was a garment created during Victorian times with a cape & sleeves. It was worn by Charles Dickens and is mentioned in Sherlock Holmes novels.

The Ulster Defence Regiment was the biggest regiment in the British Army  served the security of Ulster from 1970 - 1992 in which 258 members were killed.

Everything Ulster!!

HMS Ulster was a Royal Navy U-class destroyer which saw action in World War II. She was later to be converted to an anti-submarine frigate. 'HMS Ulster' was the third named ship serving in the Royal Navy. 

The Rudge 'Ulster' motorcycle was a British bike manufactured by Rudge-Whitworth from 1929 to the start of World War II. In 1928 it held the world two hour record for travelling at over 100 mph.

Old Bushmills Whisky, the oldest established whisky in the world began its production around 1608. Although labelled as 'Irish whiskey' its creation & development is firmly as an Ulster product. 

The Ulster Wolfhound is an ancient breed of dog believed to have originated in Ulster and was later renamed by Irish nationalists.

Navan Fort near the City of Armagh is the ancient capital of Ulster where the Kings of Ulster were crowned in prehistoric times.

The Ulster Transport Authority was founded in 1948 and ran to 1966 as the official transport service by bus or train throughout Ulster. 

Ulster Television (UTV) began broadcasting in 1959 and was the first commercial television station on the island of Ireland.

Ulster Stew is a meal of County Fermanagh origin which like many other things has been presented as 'Irish' by those who aspire to a Gaelic culture.

The Ulster Free State or just Ulster was what local people were calling the new state during 1922, the term 'Northern Ireland' never did have majority consent. 

The 36th Ulster Division a creation of the Ulster Volunteer Force fought galliently at the Battle of the Somme 1916 and receive four VC's out of the nine issued.

The Great Wall of Ulster is an ancient border between Ulster and Ireland dating back as far as 390 BC. Gaelic historians attempt to ignore its defensive significance for obvious reasons. 

The Ulster Grand Prix is the fastest motor cycle road race in the world which is run at Dundrod in County Antrim every year which is a part of the tradition of road racing throughout Ulster. 

The Annals of Ulster were written during medieval times and covers Ulster's history from 431-1540. So important historically, later Gaelic historians used them as part of their history.

The Ulster Mangle a device of draining wet clothing was is an example of light Ulster engineering and can be seen at the Ulster Folk Museum.

The Royal Ulster Constabulary (1922-2001) was the predecessor of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, 314 were killed by terrorism.

The Ulster Fry -  the national meal of Ulster consists of mainly Ulster bread, pork, eggs and later additions often copied as a so-called 'Irish breakfast.'

The Ulster Rally can be said to be the predecessor of the third oldest motor rally in the world which started in 1931, although renamed as the 'Circuit of Ireland', the Ulster Rally is still run today. 

The Royal Ulster Rifles fought in WWII behind German lines as an Air Borne Division and securred the way for the advances after the invasion on D Day.

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