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130 - 80 AD  Earliest known map of the British Isles drawn by the Greek geographer, Ptolemy, in which he identifies Ulster and its people as a distinct people with their own capital. 

297 AD First mention of Cruithinic Picts from Ulster & Scotland attacking Roman Britain.

380 AD  First metion of Scotti, a term identified by the Romans as the people from Ulster.

431 AD  Annals of Ulster commence.

432 AD  Traditional date for (St) Patrick's arrival from Britain to Ulster to commence his mission.

433 AD Gaels continue their expansion into Ulster from the south and the west led by the Ui Neill's (O'Neill)

444 AD  Traditional date of the foundation of Armagh close to Ulster's ancient capital at Navan Fort.

449 AD  Anglo-Saxons recorded as invading Britain, later evidence found in County Antrim in Ulster.

450 AD Possible date for the fall of Ulster's ancient capital at Navan Fort due to invading Gaels,

493 AD  Traditional date for the death of (St) Patrick.

543 AD  Movilla Abbey, Newtownards, founded by (St) Finnian.

546 AD  Town of Derry founded by Columba, follower of (St) Patrick.

555 AD  Bangor Abbey founded by (St) Comgall.

562 AD  Battle of Moin Dairi Lothair (County Londonderry) where Ulster Cruthin are defeated by Gaelic O'Neills which commences further expansion into Ulster by the Gaels.

564 AD  Cruithin King of Ulster killed by Gaelic invaders.

564 AD  Many Cruithin begin departure from Ulster, recorded as Scots and by war and treaty, they join together with their Pictish kin eventually giving their name to the land as the land of Scots - Scotland.

575 AD  Negotiations between Cruithin and advancing Gaels creates 'a peace' and an alliance in County Londonderry.

579 AD  Death of Finnian of Movilla, Newtownards.

601 AD  Death of Comgall of Bangor.

601 AD  Continual argument between Christians of Patrick's mission and the Church of Rome especially regarding the recognition of festivals such as Easter.

630 AD  Gaelic 'Irish' conform to Roman Easter.

637 AD  Battle of Moira where Ulster's Cruithinic population are defeated by Gaels leading to total invasion of Ulster.

637 AD  Many more Cruithin depart for Scotland, most of the rest are assimulated into Gaelic culture and practice.

640 AD  Ulster conforms to Roman Catholic Church authority.

682 AD  Reminents of Ulster's Cruithin defeated British invaders at Rathmore, east of Antrim.

696 AD  Britons & and Gaels attack at devastate north County Louth.

703 AD  Gaels defeat British raiders in Ards Peninsula.

750 AD  Books of Kells possibly created in County Antrim.

795 AD  Vikings commence attacks throughout the island of Ireland.

800 AD Possible time that Cruithin & Gelts noted as 'Ulaid'.

807 AD Book of Armagh written.

811 AD Ulaid defeat Vikings in battle for the first time.

823 AD Bangor raided by Vikings.

824 AD Movilla raided by Vikings.

837 AD Intense Viking activity all over the island of Ireland with some bases established at Dublin & Louth.

842 AD Viking fleets on River Boyne & Ards Peninsula.

844 AD Union of Picts & Cruithnic Scots leads to fomation of Scotland.

851 AD Meeting of Ulaid & Gaels at Armagh , Ulster King recognises Gaelic King as High King.

852 AD Vikings establised at Strangford Lough & on Ards Peninsula.

893 AD Clashes between Ulaid & Gaels during celebration of Pentecost at Armagh.

900 AD English coins begin to circulate all over the island of Ireland.

913 AD Vikings defeat Ulster fleet off English coast.

916 AD Further Viking raids.

922 AD Vikings found the Norse town of Limerick.

972 AD Last Cruithin King of Ulster dies.

997 AD Island of Ireland partitioned between mixtures of Gaels, Ulaid & Scots.

1002 AD Brian Boru claims himself King of all-Ireland. Ulster does not recognise his authority.

1004 AD Battle of Crew Hill, County Antrim, King of Ulster is killed which leads to the slaughter of Ulster's hereditary line.

1005 AD Ulaid abandon their land and scatter throughout island of Irelandwhich leads to anarchy in Ulster.

1065 AD Dynastic confusion in Ulster.

1066 AD Battle of Hastings, Normans invade England.

1103 AD King of Norway killed in skirmish with Ulaid on County Down coast.

1127 AD Dynastic strife in Ulster.

1130 AD Ulaid defeated at Armagh.

1140 AD (St) Malachy constructs wooden oratory at Bangor.

1148 AD Ulster devided between 4 sub-kings.

1169 AD Normans arrive on island of Ireland.

1177 AD Normans invade Ulster. 

1180 AD Carrickfergus Castle built by Norman, John de Courcy.

1185 AD Norman Prince John of England arrives in the island of Ireland.

1169 AD De Courcey raids Armagh.

1179 AD Knights Templar in the island of Ireland.

1200 AD John de Courcey consolidates his power in Ulster.

1203 AD Frictions between Normans, John de Courcey & Hugh de Lacy, leads to battle at Downpatrick, de Courcey defeated.

1205 AD Hugh de lacy created Earl of Ulster.

1210 AD Royal grants in north-east Ulster to Alan of Galloway, Thomas, his brother, Earl of Atholl, and Duncan of Carrick.

1215 AD Proclamation of Magna Carta.

1219 AD Death of John de Courcey.

1243 AD Earldom of Ulster reverts to Crown of England after death of Hugh de Lacy.

1247 AD Normans now known as Anglo-Irish.

1266 AD Widespread attacks on Anglo-Irish by various Gaelic tribes.

1278 AD Parliament held (location unknown).

1279 AD Parliament held in Dublin.

1280 AD Richard, 3rd Earl of Ulster.

1298 AD Hugh Bisset of Antrim harasses Scots with 4 ships.

1301 AD Large army from island of Ireland serves under Edward I in Scotland.

1304 AD Stirling Castle in Scotland surrenders to Edward I.

1306 AD Robert Bruce, Earl of Carrick, crowned King of Scotland at Scone.

1306 AD Bruce defeated by Edward I, retires to Rathlin Island, County Antrim.

1307 AD Robert Bruce returns to Scotland and defeats Edward I.

1307 Edward I dies and is succeeded by his son, Edward II.

1310 AD Trials of Knights Templar in Dublin.

1310 AD Earl of Ulster builds castle at Sligo.

1313 AD Scots arrive back in Ulster.

1314 AD Edward II requests that Gaelic kings give support against the Scots.

1314 AD Robert Bruce defeats Edward II at the Battle of Bannockurn in Scotland.

1315 AD Edward Bruce lands at Larne in County Antrim, Bruce defeats Earl of Ulster and Carrickfergus is besieged by Scots.

1316 AD Scots retreat to Ulster, Carrickfergus surrender to Bruce.

1316 AD Edward Bruce crowned King of Ireland near Dundalk & Robert arrives at Carrickfergus.

1317 AD Scots army moves south from Ulster, Robert Bruce returns to Scotland.

1318 AD Battle of Faughart, near County Armagh border, Edward Bruce is killed and his army defeated by John de Bermingham.










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