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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community

Always vote for political parties that support Ulster's identity!


There are many ways to help,

from hosting historical and political debates and events, to

making sure your representatives know your concerns and that your vote depends on it

Keep people aware of what is at stake

Gather friends to listen to music, discuss our identity and how it can be protected. Involve the children, it is their future that's at stake, a future that has been guaranteed to us by our forefathers who took similar action. Use education to advance the community and family so that all our people are represented in the offices of power that govern us.

Maintain your culture

Bonfires and parading should not be permitted to decend into drunken and unsocial activities that damage and offend the people who support them. This will only serve the ambitions of our enemies and be exploited by the numerous Irish nationalist elements within the media and government. 

Remember No Surrender means No Surrender! 

Ulster is our birthright, our homeland, our future. We don't intend to leave this place, and we, regardless of religious faith, will be seen and heard for all the world to see that this is our home, we will Never Surrender!

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